2025 SUMMER Trail Registration Form CLICK HERE

Here’s the results from last Friday’s and Saturday’s 2021 MRAA Championship at Lake Ferguson, where the MRAA paid out $16000.00. The MRAA had a great year with around 40 boats qualifying for the championship. However, we ended up with 34 boats fishing in the tournament. While the weather had been an issue all week, it was finally somewhat nice for the weekend. First place this year again, went to Chis Coy and Rudy Vanderford who had a two day total of 30.84 lbs. These two guys are awesome fishermen and were the most consistent fishermen on both days.  Second place went to Charles Hughes and Daivd Huggins with a two day total of 26.42 lbs. Third place went to Allen Powell and Brad McCully who had a great second day catch and ended up with 25.49 lbs.  Fourth place went to Lawson Davis and Matt Bateman who also had a great second day, bringing in the biggest string of the day for a total of 25.36 lbs. First day lunker went to Tim McDaniel and myself with 6.09 lbs. Second day lunker went to Mike Jordan and Cliff Payne with a 5.90 lbs. bass.

Again this year we presented the Anglers of the Year plaque at the MRAA Championship to the winners of the 2020-2021 Winter Trail and the 2021 Summer Trail. It is with great pleasure that I congratulate both Johnathan Sulton and Colby Sullton as the 2020-2021 Winter Trail AOY, and Allen Powell and Braid McCully as the 2021 MRAA Summer Trail AOY.  Awesome job by both teams.

Our first MRAA 2021-2022 Winter Trail Tournament is next Saturday November 20th at Wolf Lake. For an entry form please go to our web page mraatournamenttrail.com and  print one off. It is located at the top right of the home page. Please mail in your entry if you’re planning on fishing. I will not take entries at the ramp on Saturday.

If anyone knows someone that is getting the MRAA email in G2 in the subject bar please have them send the last email I sent out back on October 1st back to me so I can get that email list back for now.

I would like to thank our local sponsors that make the MRAA what it is today.

Asgrow / Dekalb (Bayer)
CB&S bank
Davids’s TireĀ  & Service Center
Delta Insurance Agency, Inc.
Graves Agronomy Service
Manning Signs and T-ShirtsCo.
Maxwell Flying Service
Mitchell Distributing
McDaniel’s AC, Plumbing, Electrical, Inc.

Change to Schedule

Lake Washington is on August 17th instead of Lake Ferguson
Lake Chicot is on September 7th instead of Lake Washington